Fiona England, PaCC Chair, welcomes you to PaCC January 2021 round-up
With the ongoing pandemic and the massive impact it is having on each of our families, everyone at PaCC has been busy juggling caring for our children at home, supporting them as best as we can with home schooling and yes…trying to have some ME time, a further challenge. The current lockdown is making our role as parent carers ever more demanding and the incredible daily pressure is taking its toll on already overstretched capacity and our January update is shorter than previous months.
All those factors are reducing the time we can dedicate to our forum’s activities, from attending virtual meetings to organising virtual events, all this whilst we really don’t yet know when things are going to improve. However, be reassured we continue to do our best to represent you and your family, but some work streams that PaCC is involved with are taking longer to progress.
Activities and support sessions for you and your children during this current lockdown
The current Covid situation is creating lots of anxiety and isolation for families. However we have some good news, are very pleased to have received some additional funding to enable our PaCC Partners, parent carers community groups and small charities, to organise and deliver some activities and support sessions for you and your children. Read more about our activity and support sessions
Review of the Cerebral Palsy pathway at Seaside View
PaCC has been working closely with SEND services in the city to make sure they provide what you and your families need. Since December last year, one of our fantastic PaCC parents has been working with Seaside View on reviewing the Cerebral Palsy pathway at the child development centre. Read more about how the work is progressing
Have you thought about joining PaCC?
We are going through incredible, hugely unexpected and very challenging times. More than ever, we need to support each other – and PaCC is here for you. The forum is here to give you a voice on how services are planned and provided to you and your family. We are here to make sure that your experience of SEND services is taken into consideration when our Chair, Vice-chair and Parent Reps attend meetings with the Local Authority, the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), SENCO Forums and so on. If you haven’t done it yet, think about joining PaCC, we are stronger together! To join PaCC go to Join PaCC – PaCC | Brighton and Hove’s forum for parent carers