give us your views

You don't need to be a member of the PaCC to give us your views. Tell us what is bothering you and help shape our discussions with the people who provide services to parent carers.

let us know

PaCC are keen to hear from you about any issues, problems or concerns you have about services for disabled children in Brighton and Hove.

We take your concerns and feed them back to the people who run local services such as the council and health service. Likewise, it’s just as important for us to hear if you have experienced a really good service, as this helps services know what to do more of.

The list below gives you an idea of the kinds of things parents have told us about before:

  • Problems with transport to school
  • Needing more therapies
  • Lack of disabled toilet facilities
  • Need for more choice of short breaks

Or the things we are really keen to hear your views on:

  • What do you think of the new Children’s A&E?
  • Have you used the new Hospital Passport? Tell us what you think
  • Does your child have a wheelchair? How long did you have to wait for an appointment?
  • Do you have a named social worker?
  • How is the new Children and families Bill going to affect you?

Please complete the form below to tell us what you think about local services for disabled children.

take part in consultations on specific issues

PaCC conduct regular consultations about specific issues that you have told us matter to you.

We publish and distribute surveys and hold consultation events to gather your views then use these to create reports about things like therapies, education and health. The best way to make sure you are sharing your views about important issues is to join the PaCC.

But even if you are not a member, you can fill in surveys or come to the events that we organise around specific issues, and by doing so you are helping to shape our recommendations.

So far we have PaCC have produced three reports which have collated the views of parents on therapy provision, health care services and special education needs.

feedback form

Are you sending us: *
What type of local service are you referring to? *
Are you happy for the PaCC to use your comments anonymously in its lobbying work? *
Are you happy for us to contact you to discuss further? *

Contact Details

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