our structure
Our motto ‘stronger together’ says it all, we need parents and carers to be part of the forum so together we can make sure that every voice is represented.
want to be involved?
Joining PaCC doesn’t cost anything, you will directly involved in what we do, be invited to our forums and focus groups and receive our PaCC calendar.
PaCC has a membership of over 400 parent and carers. Find out how to join us here.
PaCC has nine Partners, community groups and charities who support parents and carers of children with disabilities and additional needs. Each Partner group is represented in the PaCC Steering Group by a Parent Rep.
Parent Reps are parents and carers who come from a variety of backgrounds. Parent Reps are trained as representatives to sit alongside professionals from the local authority on strategic boards. This ensures that the parent voice is heard when decisions are made that directly affect their children.
The Steering Group meets every two months. The Steering Group also includes a PaCC chair, a vice chair, an admin and communications officer, an administration and communications assistant and a parent carer participation worker.