Activities and safe spaces – PaCC Partners look after their families

After months of lockdown and isolation, February and March brought some fun and relaxation to SEND families in Brighton & Hove!

Some of our PaCC Partners were able to organise online activities, groups and pampering sessions for their SEND families, thanks to a grant from the Department for Education. And how welcome those were for so many families. The online sessions reached out to those families who were more isolated due to Covid and provided a safe activity or space focused on mental health and wellbeing.

There were also sessions for the whole family, like the Singing Hands Makaton Sing and Sign session, and information sharing with an occupational therapist providing signposting around sensory processing for parents whose kids are on the autistic spectrum. Parents were also able to enjoy pampering and relaxing sessions, including gentle yoga.

“It was really lovely to spend some time doing an activity with other mums and it felt like a real moment of peace in a hectic week. I really enjoyed the fact we had something to do and there was a focus as I didn’t know anyone, so found this really helpful. It felt such a treat being given the pack in advance too.”

Children and young people with SEND were offered some peer-to-peer online support sessions, whilst their siblings were able to attend a fun and creative session aimed at building self-esteem and regulation.

As we all know, during the past year SEND families have experienced many difficulties including isolation. Activities and sessions provided by PaCC Partners made parent carers and their families more connected and included. Parents virtually met up with other parents and carers and shared experiences and worries, but also a good laugh. Children with additional needs were able to virtually play and interact with their peers.

“Having a fun relaxing evening with lovely ladies and it was great to put ourselves first and forget all our worries and just have a laugh.”

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