Do you receive or are you about to receive Direct Payments in relation to your child’s special educational needs and disability (SEND)? Would you like to find out more about managing Direct Payments, pre-paid cards and Supported Bank Accounts?
Join us on Tuesday 28th September, from 11am to 1pm at BMECP Centre, 10A Fleet Street, Brighton BN1 4ZE, when PaCC are hosting a PaCConnect, a forum for parent carer and professionals to get together and discuss specific SEND issues.
This PaCConnect will focus on general information, for example, who does what, and it will look into challenges of managing Direct Payments. We will also be discussing the new pre-paid card payment system and choices about which payment system to use.
We will not look into individual cases or eligibility for Direct Payments.
The forum will be attended by Diana Boyd, PaCC Chair, Carl Campbell, Head of Service 0-24 Specialist Community Disability Service, Geraldine Des Moulins, Chief Officer at Possability People, and Emily Davey Independent Living Advisor for Brighton and Hove PeoplePlus.
This is going to be the first in person forum since March 2020. The room will have the windows open, people will be required to wear a mask if not exempt and we’ll make sure there is enough space for everyone. You’ll be refunded for your travel (bus/train or parking).
Please email [email protected] if you would like to attend so we have an idea of how many people are attending the forum.