PaCC Rep Profile: Becky Robinson

PaCC Rep Profile

Name: Becky Robinson 

Role Within PaCC: Vice-Chair 

Parent Carer Experience: I am the proud parent of three children who have a range of neurodiverse conditions. My oldest is 22 and he was diagnosed with combined attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) very recently. He is currently studying Secondary Mathematics PGCE (Postgraduate Certification in Education) – a career choice he has made due to his own lived experiences of being a pupil with undiagnosed ADHD. My middle child is 19 and has recently been diagnosed with dyslexia and is showing signs of having developmental coordination disorder (DCD). After receiving support from the Youth Employability Service, she is now working her way through a Level 3 Apprenticeship in Childcare. My youngest child is eight and she has diagnosis of autism spectrum condition (ASC), ADHD, dyslexia and selective mutism. She has an education, health and care plan (EHCP) and attends her local mainstream school. 

My PaCC Experience: I first joined PaCC around three and a half years ago as the rep for mASCot, a local peer to peer support group for parent carers who have a child or young person who is autistic or has autistic traits. Since then my role has grown within PaCC and I have represented parent carers with various work streams such as the Neurodevelopmental Pathway, Hidden Children, the Social Communication Resource, SENDIASS, the Local Offer and the recently released SEND Strategy. I was appointed the Vice-Chair of PaCC in August 2021.

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