Planned care – your voice

Planned care – your voice 

‘Planned care’ means services for pre-arranged health appointments, usually following referral by a GP. As many of us know, health and medical appointments can be challenging for our children and young people. PaCC has welcomed the opportunity to feed parent carers’ experiences in to a new Sussex wide group called the Planned Care Stakeholder Reference Group. 

The context of this group is that NHS England has asked health and care systems to quickly restore planned care, and redesign services to improve patient outcomes and ensure future sustainability. 

PaCC has highlighted the importance of parent carers having the opportunity to provide information to services about the needs of their children prior to appointments, so that the clinician can take appropriate measures to ensure that the appointment runs as smoothly as possible.  

We have also raised the need for appropriate training to be given to clinicians in different areas of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), the need for consistency of staff and relationship for our young people, and accessibility. 

The Stakeholder Reference Group is made up of representatives from the NHS and people with lived experience of Planned Care services, including a PaCC Rep.  

The group is providing feedback and suggestions to support the programmes of transformation of these services. The programmes are in their ‘aspirational’ phase and so all feedback and suggestions are welcomed and noted. PaCC has been using our Facebook group to ask for your experiences and feedback on planned care.  

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