Hidden Children – PaCC second surgery session
Inclusion in schools: what does good practice look like for learners with SEND?
As Brighton & Hove City Council is about to start work on an Inclusion Charter for Brighton & Hove educational settings, we thought inclusion would be the perfect theme for the second Hidden Children termly online surgery. We know from parent carer feedback, that too many children and young people are currently unable to attend school, are finding school a distressing experience and/or receiving detentions or being excluded. Parent carers feel that if their child received more of an inclusive educational experience, their time at school would be more positive.
The surgery took place last month and the things we looked at were:
- What inclusion looks like or would look like
- Sharing inclusive good practice that children have experienced in school and how it has helped them to attend school full-time
- Which inclusive practice would help support children to attend school full time
The session was facilitated by Becky Robinson, PaCC Vice-Chair, and attended by Norman Haskins, Hidden Children Officer at Brighton & Hove City Council, and Sarah Ahmed, Assistant Principal Educational Psychologist Brighton & Hove Inclusion Support Service (BHISS) at Brighton & Hove City Council. Find out more about the second Hidden Children Surgery.