New PaCC Reps!
PaCC is very pleased to welcome four new additions to our Steering Group – Rennell, Sian, Vanessa and Victoria have just joined us and will soon represent you and your family when attending meetings with the local authority or health services.
PaCC is a pan-disability forum, which means we want to make sure that every child and young person with additional needs and/or disabilities and their family has a space in the forum. We also strive to include, represent and be one of the voices for diversities in the city.
During the past few months, we carried out an ‘audit’ of the existnig Steering Group, and our Reps’ skills and knowledge around special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The audit identified some gaps where we needed more representation, for example early years and primary age children, mental health difficulties where this is the primary area of need, physical disability and/or wheelchair user.
We then advertised for new Reps and met with the 12 parent carers who expressed an interest in joining the steering group. We were really impressed with everyone, and they are now on our list of PaCC reps and will be invited to PaCC training events. Four were invited to join the steering group, based on how well they matched our gaps and their availability for PaCC work.
Our four new Reps will bring more experience and knowledge to our very busy Steering Group.