Name: Vicky Lloyd
Parent Carer experience: I am the mother of two daughters aged 19 and 17. My younger daughter has Down Syndrome and associated communication and learning needs. Until the age of 16 she was in mainstream education with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) provision and support. This has not always been straightforward but she is now happy and thriving in special college and we are starting to turn our attentions to the future and the world of Adult Services.
For the last 23 years I have worked at Barnardo’s Link Plus which provides short breaks for children and young people with SEND, and their families. I firmly believe in family support and early intervention to enable children and young people with SEND, families to lead more ordinary lives, and this is also the ethos of our service. I have had the good fortune to work alongside so many inspirational carers over the years who have transformed the lives of local families. I think it is vital to work with and support the whole family, including sibling carers and to be aspirational for our young people.
Role within PaCC: I have been a PaCC rep since 2018 and my areas of interest have developed with each new milestone and transition my daughter and our family navigate. I am particularly interested in strengthening the local mainstream secondary education offer; increasing choice at post-16; improving employability and developing work experience. I am the lead rep for the Transitions and Positive Futures SEND Strategy workstream and sincerely hope that all the work that is going on will simplify pathways and increase choice and opportunity for our young adults with SEND.