Early Years & PaCC

Early Years & PaCC

PaCC are making plans to host an early years parent carer participation event in the New Year. This coincides with the early years work PaCC are involved with in Brighton & Hove.

At the beginning of next year, PaCC will be attending our first meeting that will be implementing an early years strategy that has been created. These regular meetings will be called ‘Start for Life Group‘. There is a big focus on special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the early years strategy, part of which looks at the number of early years specialist places in the city.

PaCC is currently attending meetings linked to a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) around the public health community nursing 0-19 service. A JSNA looks at the current and future health and care needs of local populations to inform and guide the planning and commissioning of services within an area. This assessment will help decide the details of the health visiting and school nursing services from April 2024.

PaCC will keep you updated around these important areas of work.

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