PaCC online surgery: Good working relationships between families and schools

PaCC online surgery: How good working relationships between families and schools help to create positive outcomes for children and young people.


PaCC is organising an online surgery around inclusion in schools, specifically how co-productive working, between families and schools, creates positive outcomes for a child or young person.


Join PaCC’s online surgery on Wednesday 7 December 9.30 – 11.00am 


Becky Robinson, PaCC Chair, Norman Haskins, Hidden Children Officer, and Sarah Ahmed, Assistant Principal Educational Psychologist at Brighton & Hove City Council, will be hosting the third termly online surgery around education.  


We will be focussing on what co-productive working between schools and families looks like to you; how and when it has made a positive difference for you and your child. 


Amaze will be providing us with us with information around collaborative working that we will share with you.  


Unfortunately, we will not be able to support or advise with individual queries or situations at the surgery, but we will be able to signpost you to Amaze/SENDIASS after the surgery.  


Email [email protected] if you would like to attend and we will send you the Zoom link. 

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