Social Care in Brighton & Hove

Social Care in Brighton & Hove: updates from PaCC

Parent carers continue to feedback to PaCC that whilst the quality of social care in the city is good, there are concerning issues that the amount of provision across all areas of social care is inadequate and the impact on families is very high.  

Families report that they have reached crisis point and that there is risk of family breakdown. 

The cost-of-living crisis is making families lives even harder and they are unable to access work because of the level of care needed for their children at home. 

PaCC has put together a Social Care Position Statement which captures the issues families are facing.

Brighton and Hove City Council have responded to our position statement, which you can read here.

In the response from the council you will see that there is a commitment from the council to create a co-production working group, that will start in January 2023, this group will be comprised of parents/carers, officers and short breaks care home managers to work through all areas of services and provision mentioned within the position statement. 

Please feedback to us via email or facebook on any issues related to social care that you would like us to know about. 

PaCC will keep you updated with developments via our PaCC Facebook page. If you don’t have Facebook please email  [email protected] and request to have info shared via email.  



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