PaCC focus group on the Dynamic Support Register.
Back in December we were pleased to hold a focus group on the Dynamic Support Register (DSR) to help shape the website landing page and information leaflet being produced by NHS Sussex in the coming months.
Some of our families have children on the DSR, which is designed to improve the way children with learning disabilities, Autism or both, are supported; where they also have behaviour that challenges.
The current information available to parent carers needs to be amended, so PaCC gathered parent carer views of what to include and how it should be presented, to make the information easily accessible for those going through the DSR process. We are incredibly grateful to those who attended, for their useful feedback and contribution to this project.
We obtained a broad range of parent carer views, from a mixture of those who had some knowledge of the DSR, as well as those who had no previous experience but wanted to know more about it. There were some really interesting conversations; highlighting key questions our members had about the DSR, identifying an overall need for more comprehensive information for parent carers, as well as easy-read versions accessible to young people.
We’ve now written up our report which will be shared with you and also presented to Jane Taylor, Senior Commissioning Manager Child Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Brighton and Hove/NHS Sussex who is heading up this project.