PaCC Online Education Transitions Workshop

PaCC online SEND education workshop for parent carers: Transition across the whole age range of education.

PaCC is organising an online workshop (formerly known as PaCC surgery) to share local updates and good practice around transition. The workshop will be focusing on what we mean by transition across different ages, what does it mean for vulnerable groups and what good practice looks like. 

Join PaCC’s online workshop Monday 27 March 10.00 to 11.30am.  

Email [email protected] if you would like to attend and we will send you the Zoom link.  

Becky Robinson, PaCC Chair will be hosting the session and Norman Haskins, Hidden Children Officer and Sarah Ahmed Assistant Principal Educational Psychologist at Brighton & Hove City Council will be there to listen to the experiences shared by parent carers.  

PaCC will include the feedback and experiences (shared by parent carers in the work we do with services and schools), to help create positive outcomes for children, young people and their families. All feedback will be used anonymously. 

Unfortunately, we will not be able to support or advise with individual queries or situations at the surgery, but we will be able to signpost you to Amaze/SENDIASS after the surgery.  

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