Brighton & Hove local area SEND inspection March 2023
Updates from PaCC to the parent carer community about the local area SEND inspection:
PaCC response to the outcome report
PaCC want to share with you information we sent to the inspectors during the inspection. The presentation contains parent carer feedback from the PaCC steering group, PaCC partner groups and associated parent carer groups, ensuring that families with children and young people with SEND are represented. Please see the slides linked below.
Brighton & Hove City Council and NHS Sussex continue to work in co-production with PaCC and parent carers to address the priority areas in the SEND Strategy 0-25, which includes key challenges for families identified in the slides.
PaCC felt it was important to share with inspectors a balanced approach of framing strengths and areas for development of SEND provision in the city, as well the good progress made through co productive working such as the Home to School Transport Service, increasing the number of specialist places for autistic pupils, the Dynamic Support Register and developing the Hidden Children Officer role (slide 15).