Learning disability consultation outcomes
As part of the Adult Learning Disability Strategy, Brighton & Hove City Council asked PaCC, The Carer’s Centre, and Speak Out to carry out a survey collecting information from families, individuals and carers. The aim of the survey was to investigate how activities, services and opportunities for training, voluntary work and employment may have changed before and after the Covid 19 pandemic.
Our survey was sent out in April 2023 to parent carers who have young people with learning disabilities aged 14 to 25, asking them to complete it online. We asked about: activities like clubs, services, plus a few questions about work and college.
Please click here to read the results of the survey.
Next steps include; officers from Brighton & Hove City Council will collate the three organisations’ survey findings and publish a report for the community to read. PaCC have raised concern with officers that the survey response numbers were low and that it is important for the council to recognise that different mechanisms to receive feedback from families must be thought about as families report survey overload and fatigue. PaCC is also looking at different ways to gather parent carer feedback, we recognise that surveys are not the only way to do this.
PaCC hope that this important area of work will influence service providers to provide a more equitable and frequently offered activities and opportunities for adults with a learning disability and also positively impact young people transitioning to adulthood. We will update you with next steps in the Autumn term 2023.