Become More Involved with PaCC’s Work
Would you like to become more involved with PaCC’s work as a parent carer with lived experience?
PaCC is looking for a pool of parent carers to act as ‘community expert readers/commentators’ on draft documents, such as a leaflet or a letter, that might be produced by the local authority, NHS or PaCC.
Parent carers will receive a short induction about PaCC and what their role will be. They will then need to sign a short agreement and two of our policies related to the work they will be doing – Confidentiality Policy and Conflict of Interest Policy.
PaCC will contact the parent carers when we receive requests from the local authority or the NHS; clearly explain what feedback we need, and the time frame for it. We will collate all the comments and feedback and pass on the information to the relevant people.
As PaCC strongly believe that parent carers are also experts, we want to recognise your knowledge and expertise by offering a payment of £12.50 an hour for your work. We can either pay you directly by BACS or by shopping vouchers – you decide.
This is not going to be an intensive piece of work and it can easily fit around your parent carer busy life. When requesting feedback for a document, PaCC will state roughly how long the task will take.
All parent carers must live in Brighton & Hove and have a child or young person aged 0-25 who have additional needs or a disability. PaCC need to ensure that the parent carers identified represent a wide range of SEND, age of children/young people and diversity.
Email [email protected] to express your interest of find out more.