PaCC Profile: Chloe Willow

introducing pacc steering group member, Chloe

Name: Chloe Willow

Role within PaCC: PaCC Rep, representing the Parent Groups and Befriending or PGB, previously known as Face 2 Face.

Parent Carer Experience: 

I have been really fortunate to access Brighton’s well-established parent-led support network, and I am really keen to contribute to this through my role as PaCC Rep.

I am looking forward to completing my induction with PaCC and gaining further insight into how I can use my experience to strengthen the parent voice.  I have experience of working in early years and family settings and I am keen to explore these areas within my PaCC role.  Understanding the family experience of the early years and pre-diagnosis is crucial to service design for families and I am keen to enable those parent’s voices to be heard.

I am mum to a teenage daughter who is neurodivergent.  I am also dyslexic myself.  I was so lucky to come across local parent led services early on and find a community of support, knowledge, and strength.  This has enabled me to navigate the often-complicated path to understanding my daughters needs and to ensure she has the right support to access the opportunities to thrive.

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