Following our introductory article in May, we have a further update about the Autism in Schools Project for you.
Since our last update, a survey was sent out to parent carers whose children attend the three schools. The survey asked parent carers their opinions on how working together with schools could improve inclusion and access to support services for families. The collated feedback was used to shape the coffee mornings’ content.
So far, we have run five coffee mornings since the beginning of the project and have a further six to run up until December when the project closes. The impact of the project and any future development will be evaluated by a final closing survey, which will be sent at the end of the project to parent carers for completion.
The overall aim of the project, alongside improvement of communication and access to services, is to set up and sustain what will be parent carer led at each of the schools. A parent carer information pack is being created for each school which will contain information and templates to support the running of coffee mornings as well as information to support parent carers with their caring role. We hope this model can be created in other schools too.
We will provide another update at the beginning of next year, after the first year of the project has ended.
PaCC and Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS)
PaCC have also be involved with a new project called the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS). This project is like Autism in Schools but has a focus on all neurodivergent conditions. We have been working with representatives from local authorities and health from across Sussex as well as East Sussex Parent Carer Forum and West Sussex Parent Carer Forum to plan the PINS project and how it will look in each local area. We will provide a more detailed update in our next newsletter.
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