PaCC Profile: Anne Webster

Name: Anne Webster

Role within PaCC: Representing the Parent Groups and Befriending (previously known as Face 2 Face).

Parent Carer experience

I approached Amaze in 2011 and have received support and advice from them since then. Having attended parent-led support networks for years, I became a befriender in 2019. I have a work history of supporting a range of diverse people of all ages, many in times of crisis. I am looking forward to contributing my experience of the SEND and Mental Health world in my role as PaCC Rep.

I am passionate about getting the voices of parents/carers and young people heard, and to make changes. I have attended meetings with the local authority over the years to enable change and want to strengthen the parent/carers voice. My experience of working and supporting young people and adults in crisis: homelessness, disability, LGBTQIA, mental health and crime, and how the system can be confusing to navigate – are areas I hope to explore and will be beneficial to this role. Each family has a different experience of the early years and pre-diagnosis – this can be a time of mixed emotions and a time to reach out for guidance.

I am mum to two neurodivergent young people and have gone through many mixed emotions over the years, fighting for a voice, to be heard by professionals in the SEND world… Parent led services early on made our journey less bumpy, like-minded parents to find a community of support, knowledge, and strength.  This has enabled me to carry on fighting for my young people’s needs.

I am looking forward to being a PaCC rep; to represent parents/carers and enable the right support opportunities for their children and young people so they can lead a full life.

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