Easy Read Hub created to improve access to information for residents with learning disabilities

PaCC knows that Easy Read options are essential, which is why we are so pleased to announce that Brighton & Hove City Council has launched a new easy read information hub on their website to ensure that residents with learning disabilities and their parents, carers and support staff can access key information about council services. 

This includes resources such as:

· health and care

· voting and elections

· housing and support

· travelling around the city

· benefits and pensions

· jobs, education and training

Easy read is an accessible way of sharing information with people with learning disabilities. It uses easy words, short, jargon-free sentences, large text and pictures.

In 2020, it was estimated that there were around 5,000 people in Brighton & Hove with a learning disability. This is predicted to rise to 6,400 by 2035.

Working in partnership

The easy read information hub was co-produced with the learning disability community and local partners including The Parent Carers’ Council (PaCC). PaCC formed part of the Information & Advice Working Group that helped steer the project, together with Amaze, Speak Out, Grace Eyre and more.

Six working groups were formed to deliver actions outlined in the strategy that the learning disability community told us were important to them.

Earlier this year, one of the working groups ran a survey to find out what information the learning disability community want the council to provide. These findings were used to create the easy read information hub.

Valuable resources

Councillor Amanda Grimshaw, lead member for disability rights, said “I’m delighted that we have launched our new easy read information hub, bringing together valuable council resources in an accessible format for our learning disability community.

“This is the result of collaboration with partner organisations in the city who support learning disabled people. Co-producing the hub and running several rounds of testing ensures this resource can best meet this diverse community’s needs.

“The easy read information hub is constantly being reviewed and updated with new information so the hub can continue to be used by those with learning disabilities for years to come.”

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