Short Breaks
Since May 2024, PaCC has been chairing Short Breaks regular meetings, which are also attended by parent carers and leads from Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC).
If you want to find out more about Short Breaks, we recommend the Government’s Short breaks for carers of disabled children. Departmental advice for local authorities. March 2011 and the charity Contact’s Short breaks.
The first meeting (back in May) was arranged in response to significant concerns within the community about the inadequacy of short break provision during the Easter holiday, and to seek reassurances about plans for the future to ensure improvements were made, especially in time for the summer holidays.
PaCC has been representing these issues to BHCC in recent months/years and, in addition, 1,164 people signed a petition saying that Brighton & Hove should provide full day provision for families of children with SEND. BHCC acknowledged these concerns and restated their commitment to listening and working with parents on implementing solutions.
The meetings are taking place monthly – check below to see date and location for next one. Each month the meetings look at:
- Concerns around Wrapround Care including breakfast clubs and after school clubs’ availability
- Concerns around holidays provision for children and young people with SEND
- How provision for children and young people (CYP) with high support needs will be met, including residential respite at Drove Road and Tudor House
- Services and support available for you and your family in Brighton & Hove
- How information on short breaks is shared
- Clear information around eligibility criteria for short breaks and Wrapround Care
- Direct Payments
- Personal Budget Pathways
These monthly hybrid meetings – both face to face and online – are with BHCC leads and the parent carer community, to hear about the areas of work to address the gaps in provision. BHCC has committed to publish replies to the many questions that were raised by parent carers, including those submitted to PaCC and via SEND Us a Break.