Extra information for you

Find here lots of infomation which could be useful to you and your family.

Documents and information on this page are of general interest. PaCC is part of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF); some documents and information have been provided by one of the many parent carers forums active in England. If you need specific information and support around your child and your family’s needs please contact SENDIASS, Amaze’s advice line at [email protected] or call 01273 772289 (open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 2.30pm).

Round Up September 2024

Welcome to PaCC’s September Round-up As the new season begins, we know that many of you will be navigating new challenges, whether that involves supporting your children as they return to their education or with the complexities of having no suitable education. We understand how difficult this time can be, especially with the demands of[...] Read More

Round Up May 2024

welcome to pacc’s May round-up This round up brings together updates about key areas of work as well as other news. As we navigate through the late spring and early summer months, we acknowledge that this time of the year brings unique challenges for many of you. The end of the academic year is approaching,[...] Read More

PaCC Round Up February 2024

Welcome to PaCC’s February round-up! It’s always such a difficult time of year, with January seeming to go on forever, but this year it feels even more so for parent carers and their families. PaCC continues to raise the many issues and difficulties families face with officers working in Brighton & Hove City Council and[...] Read More

PaCC Round Up October 2023

pacc round up October 2023 Welcome to PaCC’s October round up. We know this time of year is incredibly difficult for parent carers, with children returning to education (or having no education to return to) and the burnout some parent carers may be feeling from the lack of respite they received over the summer holidays.[...] Read More

PaCC Round Up June 2023

PaCC Round Up June 2023 Welcome to PaCC’s June round up. Last week, the outcome report following Brighton & Hove’s Local Area SEND inspection by OFSTED and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) was released. We want to communicate with you here the shock we felt on reading the report, which lacks detail and omits many[...] Read More

PaCC Round Up March 2023

PaCC Round Up – March 2023  Welcome to PaCC’s first update of the year.  PaCC continue to represent our members, ensuring that your feedback and experiences are central to all that we do. This includes working in co-production with services, providing challenge when needed and sharing examples of good practice. The work we do is[...] Read More

PaCC Round Up December 2022

pacc round up December 2022 Welcome to PaCC’s winter update and my first as Chair of PaCC.  PaCC continue to represent our members, ensuring that your feedback and experiences are central to all that we do. This includes working in co-production with services, providing challenge when needed and sharing examples of good practice. The work[...] Read More

PaCC Round Up September 2022

pacc round up september 2022 The long hot summer is already starting to feel a distant memory, and autumn clouds are already upon us, both literally and figuratively. We have heard lots of feedback about lack of respite over the summer, difficulties for children transitioning back to school, as well as the impact of high[...] Read More

PaCC Round Up July 2022

PaCC Round Up July 2022 The summer holidays are nearly here, and I’m sure many of you are desperately waiting for the break from school, while others are worried about how to care for your child or young person over the long summer break and how to juggle with work, other children and your own[...] Read More

PaCC Round Up April 2022

I suspect most of you have, like me, been feeling that combination of excitement, nervousness and pressure of getting together more in person over the last couple of months. And on top of that, we have been dealing with the unpredictability of Covid isolation and staff absence, as well as the disease itself. I had[...] Read More

PaCC Round Up February 2022

Welcome to PaCC’s February Round Up A big focus for PaCC recently has been mental health and wellbeing –  more needed than ever with the latest disruptions caused by Omicron. Lots of children have been out of school again, as well as staff absences across services, all of which puts more pressure on our mental[...] Read More

PaCC Round Up December 2021

It’s been another busy couple of months at PaCC. In this month’s round-up, we introduce PaCC Rep and steering group member Lucy Hughes who has been representing PaCC on the Mental Health Support Teams in Schools (MHSTs) steering group.    As well as our usual coffee mornings with Paolo, we hosted two additional engagement events. Our first PaCConnect since the end[...] Read More

PaCC Round Up September 2021

Welcome to PaCC’s first round up of the new academic year, and my first as Chair. Also a big welcome to Becky Robinson who has taken over as Vice-Chair.  I slip into the very large boots of Fiona England, who stepped down from the role in July. She was a fantastic Chair, with an unstinting commitment to representing the[...] Read More

Welcome to our July 2021 round up

Welcome to our July 2021 round up As we fast approach the beginning of the summer holidays and the end of another academic year, it is impossible not to reflect on the challenges SEND families have faced throughout continued Covid restrictions. I am pleased to say that despite these immense difficulties, the PaCC steering group[...] Read More

Our March 2021 round up

We hope the return to school or college has gone well for your family.  PaCC has been sharing your concerns in relation to the return with Brighton & Hove City Council, for instance ensuring that reasonable adjustments are made in relation to masks and Covid-19 lateral flow tests – which can cause significant anxiety for[...] Read More

Welcome to our January 2021 round up

Fiona England, PaCC Chair, welcomes you to PaCC January 2021 round-up With the ongoing pandemic and the massive impact it is having on each of our families, everyone at PaCC has been busy juggling caring for our children at home, supporting them as best as we can with home schooling and yes…trying to have some[...] Read More

Welcome to our December 2020 round up

Lockdown #2 – how was it for our families? The PaCC steering group continue to highlight the issues you and your family face. We realise how important it is to talk to parent carers first-hand about how they are coping and learn about ongoing or new issues that families are facing so in November, PaCC[...] Read More

PaCC round up September 2020

fiona england, chair of brighton and hove parent carer’s council (pacc) steering group tells us what pacc have been up to over the summer Welcome to the autumn term 2020 PaCC newsletter- what a journey we are on! As a community we have lived the day to day realities of the impact of Austerity on[...] Read More

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