PaCC awards procedure

Read below the rules and code of conduct that we follow when carrying out the PaCC Awards.

  • The PaCC Awards are a way to celebrate professionals and organisations that provide support to the Brighton and Hove SEND community
  • PaCC Awards are organised annually and funded through DfE/Contact Parent Carers Participation Grant
  • The Awards are overseen by the PaCC Staff Team and Steering Group
  • The nomination form will be made available on PaCC website and the link inviting nominations from the SEND community will be sent around with promotion/publicity including a brief procedure and deadline for nominations. Hardcopies of nomination forms will be printed and taken to PaCC’s events, i.e. monthly coffee mornings.
  • Parents and carers living in Brighton and Hove can nominate in one of the four categories – Education, Health Care, Social Care, Voluntary Sector and Other
  • Amaze and PaCC staff and PaCC Reps cannot nominate
  • Shortlisting nominations and deciding the winners for each category will be carried out by an Awards panel formed each year by 4 people: 3 PaCC Reps, who will be invited to express their interest to join the panel; 1 PaCC member who will be chosen by sending an invite to all PaCC members (minus PaCC Reps).  The successful parent or carer must not  have made a nomination in that given year; a name will be selected randomly from the first 10 replies.
  • Panel members will declare any conflict of interests they may have in relation to any of the nominations received and these be duly recorded. The PaCC member of staff supporting the process will review this list and liaise with the panel on any mitigating actions needed to manage any conflicts of interest
  • Each panel member will be offered a payment of £12:50 per hour for 2 hours shortlisting and 1 hour meeting where final winners for each category will be chosen, in completion of a PaCC reps expenses form
  • The panel will receive a list of anonymised nominations and a list of previous winners. If winners from the previous four years are nominated again, they will receive an acknowledgment certificate but not be shortlisted for an Award
  • The panel has the power to decide if more than one professional and/or organisation can win in the same category as well as deciding on and presenting ‘special’ awards in exceptional situations
  • The panel will agree to confidentiality and not reveal the winners’ names ahead of the awards presentation event
  • The awards presentation event will be publicised through social media so that anyone interested can attend, depending on the venue capacity
  • Professionals from the Local Authority and/or SEND services, who have not received nominations, will be invited to present the Awards and join the occasion to celebrate local services/support
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