meet the team

Becky Robinson
Chair of the PaCC Steering GroupBecky Robinson
Chair of the PaCC Steering GroupAs Chair of PaCC, I consult with parent carers and feedback their views to professionals at the local authority and in health services.

Fiona England
PaCC Learning Disability and Social Care leadFiona England
PaCC Learning Disability and Social Care lead
Paolo Boldrini
Engagement CoordinatorPaolo Boldrini
Engagement CoordinatorI work with PaCC to enable parent carers to be more involved on the way services for families with children and young people with additional needs and disabilities are commissioned and delivered across Brighton & Hove. I run coffee mornings for parent carers and organise consultations on different topics. I am not a parent carer but have extensive experience of supporting various groups to access mainstream and specialist services.

Ruth Price
PaCC Parent Group & Engagement WorkerRuth Price
PaCC Parent Group & Engagement WorkerAs Participation Worker at PaCC my role is to ensure parent carer views are represented by increasing awareness of who we are and promoting what we do, thereby boosting our core membership and encouraging parent carers to actively participate. My role includes a focus on children with neurodivergent conditions and I have experience of Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Dyslexia and Tourette Syndrome within my own family.

Pippa Hodge
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupPippa Hodge
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupJoining the Steering Group has given me a sense of belonging, and an opportunity to advocate and speak out for Parents & Carers, from a platform that is genuinely respected and listened to by the professionals within our local care field. Parents’ and Carers’ ideas and opinions are an essential input to sound policy making, especially in these times of financial cutbacks.

Stef Fallows
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupStef Fallows
Member of the PaCC Steering Group
Lucy Hughes
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupLucy Hughes
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupAll three of our children have additional needs. The two oldest are Autistic and the youngest has monthly treatments at the Alexandra Children's Hospital for a chronic hormone condition. I'm a psychotherapist and worked for many years in schools and young people's services. I'm also CEO of Mankind UK, a charity supporting male survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

Vanessa de Guzman
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupVanessa de Guzman
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupI am mum to two teenage children with special needs. My eldest is a wheelchair user who has Down syndrome and Autism. My younger child has ADHD and is currently out of school. My children's experiences have tapped me into the amazing special needs community living in Brighton & Hove. Being a part of PaCC has made it possible for me to advocate for voices that often go unheard and ensure that a wide range of experiences are taken into account by service managers.

Alison Davis
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupAlison Davis
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupI have three teenaged children. My son was diagnosed with a severe hearing loss at the age of two. I am a parent rep on the ‘CHSWG’ (Children’s Hearing Services Working Group) group of professionals who work with deaf children locally. I joined the PaCC steering group having seen first-hand the brilliant work that PaCC does, enabling parents and carers to have a voice and join in with advocating for the needs of children and their families across the city.

Paul Goodwin
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupPaul Goodwin
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupMy aim is to give a voice to hidden children, those excluded or off rolled and also to raise awareness about Pathological Demand Avoidance or PDA.

Anne Webster
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupAnne Webster
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupI am a PaCC Rep for Parent Groups and Befriending (PGB). My experience comes from being a parent carer, navigating a SEND world with little or no instructions, and through working with parents/carers in crisis, with children who have a multitude of different disabilities and needs that often go unmet.
I also have experience of working with young homeless people, which often included young people with mental health difficulties and SEND needs, in an educational setting. I hope to support parent/carer views to make good changes to education and NHS services and give our young people with SEND the best chance to lead fulfilling lives.

Diana Boyd
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupDiana Boyd
Member of the PaCC Steering Group
Sim Lewis
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupSim Lewis
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupI am a member of the PaCC Steer Group representing dads. I'm genuinely excited about the opportunity to amplify the voices of parents and caregivers, working together to enhance the prospects and future of our children.

Chloe Willow
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupChloe Willow
Member of the PaCC Steering GroupI am a member of the PaCC steering group representing the Amaze Face2Face befriending service. I have a background in midwifery, health visiting and youth work, also lived experience of neurodivergence in my family. I am really looking forward to contributing to PaCC, enabling parents to be heard within services in Brighton & Hove.