PaCConnect on Neurodevelopmental pathway

PaCConnect on Neurodevelopmental pathway and other engagements with Brighton and Hove SEND families 

Last week’s PaCConnect on the Neurodevelopmental Pathway (NDP) brought together parent carers and providers from the local authority and the NHS, to explore what support and information should be available for those families who are in the process of getting an assessment for an Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis, as well as for those who have received a diagnosis or didn’t receive one.  

Participants were split into four groups: ADHD pathway;  ASC pathway; ADHD and ASC combined; and without a diagnosis. Each group fed back many suggestions and ideas on how families should be supported and informed. If you weren’t able to attend the PaCConnect, you can let us know what support and information you would like to access by completing this short online survey. We will collate suggestions and recommendations from the forum and from the online survey, into a short report which will be passed on to the local authority and NHS. PaCC Reps will make sure parent carers’ views are at the heart of the development and improvement of the NDP in Brighton & Hove. 

PaCConnects are one of the ways that PaCC engages with you and your family. We periodically organise online consultations and run monthly parent carers coffee mornings in East and West Brighton. In addition to the above, on 22 June some parent carers came together for the first safe space group for parents who themselves have an additional need and/or a disability. Parent carers told us that the safe space is much needed and that it would be good to have it rotating across different locations in the city. We will let you know when and where the next safe space group will take place.  

PaCC’s motto ‘Stronger Together’ means that our collective voice can make a difference. Toegther we can influence how services for your children and your family are set up and delivered. Your experience and knowledge has never been more important for us.

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