coffee mornings

Coffee mornings are run collaboratively by PaCC and Amaze and take place during term times.

PaCC coffee mornings are a place to:

  • Meet other parent carers
  • Support one another and share information
  • Empower parent carers to champion their children’s rights, needs & well-being, from age 0 to 25
  • Have a cuppa and a chat in a supportive and confidential environment
  • Find out about services and support available for you and your family in Brighton & Hove
  • Meet professionals who are involved on delivering services for your children

The coffee mornings are open to all parents and carers of children with additional and support needs. If you have friends who have children with additional needs, they are welcome too. Meet other parents for a cuppa, some chat and two very supportive groups!


What's so great about our coffee mornings?

Coffee mornings are an opportunity for parent and carers who live in Brighton and Hove to get together in a safe and supportive environment, find out more about services available in the city and meet professionals who plan and/or deliver services in the city.

The parent groups are open to all parents and carers of children with additional and support needs. If you have friends who have children with additional needs, they are welcome too. Meet other parents for a cuppa, some chat and very supportive groups! 

Coffee mornings are an opportunity for parent and carers who live in Brighton & Hove to get together in a safe and supportive environment, find out more about services available in the city and meet professionals who plan and/or deliver services in the city. 

The idea for the coffee mornings came to life around July 2012 when they were originally called the Partnership Outreach Pilot for Parents/Carers or POPP. Originally coffee mornings were organised in two neighbourhoods, Hangelton & Knoll and Moulsecoomb & Bevendean in partnership with the local Trust for Developing Communities (TDC).  

The coffee mornings are parent groups and their aims are still similar to those at the beginning of the project:  

  • Increase the use of Amaze services by families who were more isolated 
  • For parents and carers to be more confident and resilient to cope, less isolated, more informed and empowered 
  • To enable parents and carers to feed into relevant consultations affecting their families 

Each coffee morning focuses on different topics which are decided by the participants. Over the years we have looked at wellbeing and how parent carers can look after themselves, the reshaping of wellbeing services, the merging of the special schools in Brighton & Hove and Education, Health and Care Plans and more… 

We will continue to be with you, listen to your worries and your daily stories. We will be able to refer you to Amaze SENDIASS or other services, if you need some specific advice and/or support. We are also keen on recording any recurrent issue or problem so that the PaCC can represent you when attending meetings with local authority or other service providers. 


Find out when and where our coffee mornings are:

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