PaCC Round Up December 2022

pacc round up December 2022

Welcome to PaCC’s winter update and my first as Chair of PaCC. 

PaCC continue to represent our members, ensuring that your feedback and experiences are central to all that we do. This includes working in co-production with services, providing challenge when needed and sharing examples of good practice. The work we do is more important than ever, as more and more families are experiencing exceptionally difficult times.  

Diana Boyd  

I would like to thank Diana Boyd, PaCC’s previous Chair, for all she has contributed to PaCC over the years and the huge difference she has made for families. Diana is settling well into her new role at NHS England and the steering group miss her very much.  

Profile of a PaCC Rep 

Ren, one of PaCC’s newer parent carer reps on our steering group, is featured as this winter’s PaCC Rep Profile. As you will see, Ren has a wide range of parent carer lived experience, spanning over many years. Ren is an important addition to the PaCC steering group and will play a key role in many areas, especially around transition to adulthood.

PaCC’s Social Care Position Statement 

You may have seen that PaCC have recently released a position statement about the short breaks/respite crisis in Brighton & Hove. Fiona England has recently re-joined the PaCC steering group as a parent carer Rep, focussing on social care and learning disabilities. Here is her update about the PaCC position statement and a letter the Local Authority has recently sent to parent carers about direct payments. 

Neurodevelopmental Pathway 

PaCC has written a report following our recent neurodevelopmental pathway PaCC Connect and the survey released at the same time. The feedback PaCC received from both has provided us with a wide range of rich information and will be essential to ongoing work around the neurodevelopmental pathway. You can find out more information and read the report here.

Early Years 

One area that PaCC is rapidly expanding in is early years, both in terms of representation on our steering group and the work we are involved in. You can find out more here.

Hidden Children Surgery 

PaCC is hosting a third Hidden Surgery this month; theme is ‘How good working relationships between families and schools help to create positive outcomes for children and young people’. This regular online participation event gives parent carers the opportunity to share their experiences around a particular theme related to education. PaCC then uses this valuable information in the work we do, ensuring that all feedback is anonymous. Find out more about the session and how to book a place.

PaCC Calendar  

It’s that time of year when Paolo (PaCC’s Engagement Co-Ordinator) starts work to create the PaCC calendar.  Read more about this year’s theme and how your child or young person can become one of the stars of the calendar.

Helping families feel in included – PaCC work on equality and diversity  

PaCC is a voice for parent carers and their families living in Brighton & Hove, a voice and a space for the diverse communities that parent-carers identify with. We need to make sure that our Steering Group reflects the City’s SEND communities, and that we reach out and listen to the different voices. Vanessa (one of PaCC’s Participation Workers) has provided an update about PaCC’s equality, diversity and inclusion plan.

It was so lovely meeting so many parent carers at Amaze’s 25th birthday event and being able to connect face to face. Leila Erin-Jenkins (PaCC’s other participation worker) is currently arranging dates for PaCC to attend different parent carer coffee mornings, breakfast clubs etc across the City so we can meet parent carers and share information about PaCC. We will also be arranging online information events too, including evening events. Details of these will be communicated on PaCC’s social media, through our partner groups and by email.  

If you aren’t already a member of PaCC, here are some details of how you can join.

I’m looking forward to seeing you, face to face or online, at a PaCC event soon, 

-Becky Robinson, Chair of PaCC 

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