Round Up September 2024

Welcome to PaCC’s September Round-up

As the new season begins, we know that many of you will be navigating new challenges, whether that involves supporting your children as they return to their education or with the complexities of having no suitable education. We understand how difficult this time can be, especially with the demands of the summer holiday still weighing heavy for some.

And whilst the summer can sometimes slowdown in the workplace, PaCC remained busy. July/August and first 2 weeks of the new term saw us attending and inputting to a raft of meetings, including the Alternative Provision Group Meeting, Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools meetings (pan-Sussex and Brighton & Hove), Short Breaks Meetings, SEND strategy workstreams, Sussex-wide Integrated Care System (health) Children and Young People Board, getting together with Amaze and the Head of SEN Statutory Services, Brighton & Hove Hidden Children Officer and Assistant Director of Health and SEND Services… the list goes on!  We will share more concrete updates emerging on outcomes from these activities as and when there is news to share.

Short Breaks and Engagement

Fiona England has been actively involved in the recent short break meetings, working to ensure that the services offered meet the needs of the most vulnerable families in the city, PaCC recognise that there is still a lot of work to do to take onboard the views of the community PaCC will publish an updated article on PaCC’s Social Care position later this term, after hearing and collating the parent carer feedback at the meeting from the Friends Meeting House (which took place on 11 September). The provision for October half term has been released and you can read the booking guide and express your interest via this form.

We held a focus group meeting last week to input to the evaluation framework for the new Keyworker service.  Many thanks to the parent carers who joined this session for your valuable input.  Our engagement workers Ruth and Louise are also busy out and about across the city facilitating parent carer groups/coffee mornings in 15+ schools as part of the Parent Information and Support (PINS) and Autism Information Service (AIS) projects. You can read an update on AIS and PINS here. We’re so pleased to be able to meet with parents, gather their feedback and support collaboration in a school setting to improve inclusion. PaCC continue to value the relationship with the campaign group ‘Send Us A Break,’ which provides a good example of how PaCC’s influence is stronger with this shared voice, as the Short Breaks provision develops. The upcoming Short Breaks meeting dates are confirmed for Wednesday 9th October, 13th November and 4th December, keep a look out on Facebook where we always share engagement opportunities. Our parent group and befriender coffee mornings and other events are updated and listed here.

Introducing Our New Steering Group Member

We’re thrilled to welcome Anne to the PaCC Steering Group. Anne brings a wealth of experience and passion and will be one of the PaCC representatives for Amaze’s Parent Groups and Befriending Service. You can learn more about Anne here.

Become a Member of PaCC

If you’re reading this and you’re not a member of PaCC, read more about how you can join.

Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for regular updates on the work we’ve been involved in and the meetings we’ve attended.

PaCC remains committed to representing the families of Brighton & Hove and continues to communicate the difficulties the community are facing, as well as highlighting the areas that are going well.  Priorities are numerous and capacity is stretched more than ever, especially with the school-based projects, and we are always looking out for more people to be involved. Your feedback is essential in guiding our discussions with the council, health services, and other key stakeholders. Please get in touch via [email protected] if you fancy getting involved in the PaCC Steering Group, as a parent rep attending meetings, commenting on service plans and proposals, or volunteering in other ways or simply want to send us your thoughts.

All the best for the season ahead.

Best wishes,

Becky, Chair of PaCC

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