Extra information for you

Find here lots of infomation which could be useful to you and your family.

Documents and information on this page are of general interest. PaCC is part of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF); some documents and information have been provided by one of the many parent carers forums active in England. If you need specific information and support around your child and your family’s needs please contact SENDIASS, Amaze’s advice line at [email protected] or call 01273 772289 (open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 2.30pm).

PaCC Calendar 2024: Call for Entries!

Would you like your child to star in the Parent and Carers’ Council (PaCC) 2024 Calendar?  The PaCC calendar is a great way to celebrate our children, bring their lives to life and bring the SEND community together. The PaCC Calendar 2024 theme is: “What helps me” – so we would love a photo and[...] Read More

PaCC Profile: Simeon

Introducing PaCC Steering Group member, Simeon Name: I’m Sim (Simeon), a Brighton & Hove native. Role within PaCC: I’ve recently become a part of the PaCC Steering Group as the representative for fathers. Parent Carer Experience: I am the proud father of two incredible teenage daughters, one of whom has autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. I[...] Read More

PaCC Awards Winners

PaCC Awards 2022 – a way to celebrate people and organisations who have supported SEND families in 2022 Every year, PaCC gather Brighton & Hove SEND communities to thank, celebrate and recognise some of the people and organisations who went that extra mile to be there for you, as a parent carer, and for your[...] Read More

Learning disability consultation outcomes

Learning disability consultation outcomes As part of the Adult Learning Disability Strategy, Brighton & Hove City Council asked PaCC, The Carer’s Centre, and Speak Out to carry out a survey collecting information from families, individuals and carers. The aim of the survey was to investigate how activities, services and opportunities for training, voluntary work and[...] Read More

PaCC Profile: Stef Fallows

Introducing PaCC’s new Parent Carer Forum Support Worker Name: Stef Fallows Role within PaCC: I am the Parent Carer Forum (PCF) Support Worker for both PaCC and East Sussex Parent Carer Forum (ESPCF). My role is to support both forums with their back-office functions to enable a streamlined approach to data storage and reporting amongst[...] Read More

Inclusion Charter

Inclusion Charter for Brighton & Hove – what does inclusion in schools look like for you and your child? For the last year, Brighton & Hove City Council have been working on the creation of a Brighton & Hove Inclusion Charter for schools. This includes a focus on children and young people who have special[...] Read More

Transitions Workshop

Transitions Workshop On Wednesday 10 May, PaCC organised a parent carer online SEND family education workshop around transition – across the whole age range of education. The workshop focused on what we mean by transition across different ages, what does it mean for vulnerable groups and what good practice looks like.  The workshop was facilitated[...] Read More

Brighton & Hove Local Area SEND Inspection March 2023

Brighton & Hove local area SEND inspection March 2023 Updates from PaCC to the parent carer community about the local area SEND inspection: PaCC response to the outcome report Ofsted outcome final report  Pre-outcome letter update PaCC want to share with you information we sent to the inspectors during the inspection. The presentation contains parent[...] Read More

PaCConnects on the Brighton & Hove Home to School Transport service

PaCConnects on the Brighton & Hove Home to School Transport service A few weeks ago PaCC held two PaCConnect events to look at Home to School Transport for children with special needs attending schools and colleges in the city.  A PaCConnect is a meeting to discuss issues of interest and/or concern to parent-carers.  Such meetings[...] Read More

PaCC focus group on the Dynamic Support Register

PaCC focus group on the Dynamic Support Register. Back in December we were pleased to hold a focus group on the Dynamic Support Register (DSR) to help shape the website landing page and information leaflet being produced by NHS Sussex in the coming months.    Some of our families have children on the DSR, which is[...] Read More

What is a Keyworker Service?

What is a Keyworker Service?   The new Keyworker service is being developed as a response to the NHS England long term plan commitment that by 2023/24 children and young people with a learning disability and or who are autistic, who are in hospital or at significant risk of admission (psychiatric admission) have a designated Keyworker.[...] Read More

Tell us about that special person…

PaCC Awards Nominations are Open! As in previous years, PaCC is organising our annual awards – a way to recognise some of the great work that individuals and organisations do for SEND families in Brighton and Hove. We need to hear from you! Who was that special person who did that little bit extra for[...] Read More

PaCC Online Education Transitions Workshop

PaCC online SEND education workshop for parent carers: Transition across the whole age range of education. PaCC is organising an online workshop (formerly known as PaCC surgery) to share local updates and good practice around transition. The workshop will be focusing on what we mean by transition across different ages, what does it mean for vulnerable[...] Read More

Nominations for the PaCC Awards 2022!

Happy 2023 to everyone! We hope this year is going to be better than the previous one … At PaCC we will listen to you and make sure that your experience, views and suggestions are taken to the different Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) meetings that our Reps attend so that your voice is[...] Read More

PaCConnect on Brighton & Hove Home to School Transport Service

Join us for the PaCConnect on Brighton & Hove Home to School Transport Service on: Wednesday 8 February 2023 This event is for parents and carers of children and young people aged 5-25 whose EHCP is held by Brighton & Hove SEND Department, whether you live in the city or not. The Parent Carer Council[...] Read More

Social Care in Brighton & Hove

Social Care in Brighton & Hove: updates from PaCC Parent carers continue to feedback to PaCC that whilst the quality of social care in the city is good, there are concerning issues that the amount of provision across all areas of social care is inadequate and the impact on families is very high.   Families report[...] Read More

Neurodevelopmental Pathway

Neurodevelopmental Pathway: PaCC update PaCC continue to attend meetings around the neurodevelopmental pathway, both at a Brighton & Hove and a Sussex wide level. Recently, the Sussex wide meetings have been focusing on reducing the waiting times for autism and ADHD assessments and the prescribing of ADHD medication, including shared care agreements between GPs and[...] Read More

PaCC online surgery: Good working relationships between families and schools

PaCC online surgery: How good working relationships between families and schools help to create positive outcomes for children and young people.   PaCC is organising an online surgery around inclusion in schools, specifically how co-productive working, between families and schools, creates positive outcomes for a child or young person.    Join PaCC’s online surgery on Wednesday[...] Read More

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