Extra information for you

Find here lots of infomation which could be useful to you and your family.

Documents and information on this page are of general interest. PaCC is part of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF); some documents and information have been provided by one of the many parent carers forums active in England. If you need specific information and support around your child and your family’s needs please contact SENDIASS, Amaze’s advice line at [email protected] or call 01273 772289 (open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 2.30pm).

Helping families feel included

Helping families feel in included – our work on equality and diversity PaCC believes it is important we are representative of the diverse communities that parent-carers identify with. The PaCC Steering Group needs to be aware of key issues for parent carers across the community and be able to feed concerns back to those designing,[...] Read More

PaCC Calendar 2023

PaCC Calendar 2023 Would you like your child to star in the Parent and Carers’ Council (PaCC) 2023 Calendar? The PaCC calendar is a way to celebrate our children, and this year theme is “Celebrating our achievements”, that can be anything big or small, as for example catching the bus for the first time, receiving[...] Read More

Early Years & PaCC

Early Years & PaCC PaCC are making plans to host an early years parent carer participation event in the New Year. This coincides with the early years work PaCC are involved with in Brighton & Hove. At the beginning of next year, PaCC will be attending our first meeting that will be implementing an early[...] Read More

PaCC Rep Profile: Ren Barrowman

Name: Ren Barrowman Parent Carer experience: I am mum to 18-year-old twin daughters. My eldest daughter (by nine minutes!) has quadriplegic cerebral palsy which means she is a full-time wheelchair user and she finally received an ASC diagnosis in 2021. My younger daughter is profoundly deaf in one ear. Both girls have always been in[...] Read More

Home to School Transport Update

Home To School Transport – Update on how things are progressing  I am Pippa Hodge, one of the PaCC Reps. My focus is working alongside the local authority around Home To School Transport (HTST). I have regular meetings with the HTST where we review how the service is performing, and how to keep the service[...] Read More

Extra school places for autistic children and young people

Extra school places for autistic children and young people PaCC has been working closely with the Assistant Director for Health, SEN and Disability at the local authority, in the development of approximately 100 new school places for autistic children and young people. PaCC, alongside mASCot and other partners, has highlighted for many years the lack[...] Read More

SEN Statutory Service Update

SEN Statutory Service Update We have raised some of the issues that families have experienced with the Head of the SEN Statutory Service. We are pleased to let parents know that the SEN Statutory Service has increased its capacity by appointing two new SEN casework officers and a SEN casework assistant.  This will enable the[...] Read More

Coffee mornings: a way to connect

Coffee mornings, a way to connect  For the past ten years, our coffee mornings have been a place where parent carers living in Brighton & Hove have been able to meet other parents for a cuppa and a chat. Much more than that, they can help people feel less isolated, exchange experiences and ideas about[...] Read More

PaCC’s response to the national SEND green paper consultation

PaCC’s response to the national SEND green paper consultation PaCC are very concerned by some of the SEND Green Paper proposals, which we know are shared by many parent carers. We have submitted our response to the government’s consultation, based on our experience as well as views we’ve heard from Brighton & Hove parent carers. We[...] Read More

PaCConnect on Neurodevelopmental pathway

PaCConnect on Neurodevelopmental pathway and other engagements with Brighton and Hove SEND families  Last week’s PaCConnect on the Neurodevelopmental Pathway (NDP) brought together parent carers and providers from the local authority and the NHS, to explore what support and information should be available for those families who are in the process of getting an assessment[...] Read More

PaCC work with schools

PaCC work with schools  Young people are expected to spend a huge amount of their time at school, and for some, it’s a place they really struggle to attend. Strong communication and relationships between home and school are so important to get the best for children and young people – particularly those with special educational[...] Read More

PaCC Rep Profile: Vicky Lloyd

Name: Vicky Lloyd Parent Carer experience:  I am the mother of two daughters aged 19 and 17. My younger daughter has Down Syndrome and associated communication and learning needs. Until the age of 16 she was in mainstream education with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) provision and support. This has not always been[...] Read More

New PaCC Reps!

New PaCC Reps! PaCC is very pleased to welcome four new additions to our Steering Group – Rennell, Sian, Vanessa and Victoria have just joined us and will soon represent you and your family when attending meetings with the local authority or health services.   PaCC is a pan-disability forum, which means we want to[...] Read More

Hidden Children – PaCC second surgery session

Hidden Children – PaCC second surgery session Inclusion in schools: what does good practice look like for learners with SEND?  As Brighton & Hove City Council is about to start work on an Inclusion Charter for Brighton & Hove educational settings, we thought inclusion would be the perfect theme for the second Hidden Children termly online[...] Read More

A new group for parent carers

We are finally launching a safe space for parent carers who have a disability, health condition or are neurodivergent!  In our February Round-Up we mentioned that PaCC was planning to organise a new group, a safe space is for any parent carer who has a disability, health condition, or are neurodivergent – whether that’s suspected,[...] Read More

Hidden Children – PaCC 1st surgery session: children on part-time/reduced timetables

Hidden Children – PaCC 1st surgery session: children on part-time/reduced timetables Many families are facing the issue of children being put on part-time timetables, also known as reduced timetables. PaCC is aware of this and we are working with the Local Authority to make sure children don’t get penalised and that families are fully involved[...] Read More

School Attendance ‘Deep dive’

School Attendance ‘Deep dive’ Since we last updated our members, PaCC have used feedback gathered from parent carers to respond to two Government consultations. These were linked to Government proposals around school attendance and also behaviour in school and suspension and permanent exclusion guidances. As part of the School Attendance consultation, Brighton & Hove was[...] Read More

The PaCC Awards 2022

a celebration of people and organisations who have helped SEND families in 2022 With the PaCC Awards 2022 we wanted to celebrate and recognise those people and those organisations who went that extra mile to be there for you. Thank you to all of you who sent a PaCC Champion nomination, which were shortlisted by[...] Read More

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