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Documents and information on this page are of general interest. PaCC is part of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF); some documents and information have been provided by one of the many parent carers forums active in England. If you need specific information and support around your child and your family’s needs please contact SENDIASS, Amaze’s advice line at [email protected] or call 01273 772289 (open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 2.30pm).

Become More Involved with PaCC’s Work

Become More Involved with PaCC’s Work Would you like to become more involved with PaCC’s work as a parent carer with lived experience?   PaCC is looking for a pool of parent carers to act as ‘community expert readers/commentators’ on draft documents, such as a leaflet or a letter, that might be produced by the local[...] Read More

The Ofsted Visit: A Personal Reflection

The Ofsted visit: a personal reflection This personal response to the recent Ofsted visit comes from Pippa Hodge, PaCC Rep for Home to School Transport, and is a 5 minute read: Hello, I’m Pippa Hodge, and some of you will know me as I’m the PaCC Rep for Home to School Transport. I’m also the[...] Read More

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