PaCC Round Up July 2022

PaCC Round Up July 2022

The summer holidays are nearly here, and I’m sure many of you are desperately waiting for the break from school, while others are worried about how to care for your child or young person over the long summer break and how to juggle with work, other children and your own need for some time off.  I alternate between the two!  

PaCC is a pan-disability organisation. We know that the needs of our families are broad and varied, so we have been taking the time to look at the make-up of our steering group to ensure it represents as broad a range of families as possible. We are delighted to have four new PaCC reps joining usread more about the steering group here. 

The new reps will be joining our current fantastic group of PaCC steering group members, and this round-up we are introducing Vicky Lloyd, steering group rep for Barnados Link-Plus. 

As ever, PaCC has been very busy representing you at board meetings and in co-production with providers. Read more about our work with schools here. PaCC is closely involved in much of the work linked to the SEND strategy – click here for the latest update from the Council.

This month has been extra busy, with writing of responses to various government consultations, including the SEND green paper (read our response here), as well as hosting a number of very rewarding engagement events. Becky Robinson facilitated a second Hidden Children surgery with Norman Haskins, and we hosted a safe space for parent parers identifying as having a disability or as neurodivergent.  

We also organised and facilitated a well-attended PaCConnect around the subject of the Neurodevelopmental Pathway (NDP), where parents and professionals discussed how support and communication could be improved.  An NDP family support survey on this subject is open until the end of July. Please do respond if relevant to your family. And if you’re not a member of PaCC yet, please do join us!

So, during the weeks ahead, in the gaps between family stuff, we will be writing up reports from our engagement events to make sure we have the maximum impact on services and how they are designed to make them work better for children and young people and their families – because that is what makes the craziness worth it. And then I will wash away any stress with a very welcome dip in the sea. 

-Diana Boyd, PaCC Chair


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