Transitions Workshop
On Wednesday 10 May, PaCC organised a parent carer online SEND family education workshop around transition – across the whole age range of education. The workshop focused on what we mean by transition across different ages, what does it mean for vulnerable groups and what good practice looks like.
The workshop was facilitated by Becky Robinson, PaCC Chair, and attended by Norman Haskins, Hidden Children Officer, and Sarah Ahmed Assistant Principal Educational Psychologist at Brighton & Hove City Council, who listened to the experiences shared by parent carers.
During the workshop we shared a Powerpoint presentation which was provided by Amaze SENDIASS – click here to see the presentation – and we explored what parent carers found helpful, what has worked well and what would’ve worked. We also talked about children’s strengths and what has helped children to manage transitions, including any helpful strategies to support these.
It was pointed out that for the workshop we considered ‘transition’ in the broadest sense – i.e. could be the transition from home to school or from key stage 3 to key stage 4.
Parent carers attending the workshop fed back their views on what they would find helpful; PaCC is aware of constraints and capacity.
Find out what parent carers fed back and also links to useful information around transition, by clicking here.
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