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Welcome to our July 2021 round up As we fast approach the beginning of the summer holidays and the end of another academic year, it is impossible not to reflect on the challenges SEND families have faced throughout continued Covid restrictions. I am pleased to say that despite these immense difficulties, the PaCC steering group[…]

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New ways of supporting children who are not able to attend school on a full-time basis PaCC are pleased to announce that Norman Haskins has recently been appointed as the Hidden Children Officer for Brighton & Hove. ‘Hidden Children’ are children and young people who are unable to attend school on a full-time basis for[…]

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We hope the return to school or college has gone well for your family.  PaCC has been sharing your concerns in relation to the return with Brighton & Hove City Council, for instance ensuring that reasonable adjustments are made in relation to masks and Covid-19 lateral flow tests – which can cause significant anxiety for[…]

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For the past 18 months, PaCC and Amaze have been working in partnership with Brighton and Hove City Council (BHCC), Brighton and Hove CCG (B&H CCG), schools, and other agencies and services in health and care on the development of a five year Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Strategy, 2021-2026. The aim of the[…]

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Fiona England, PaCC Chair, welcomes you to PaCC January 2021 round-up With the ongoing pandemic and the massive impact it is having on each of our families, everyone at PaCC has been busy juggling caring for our children at home, supporting them as best as we can with home schooling and yes…trying to have some[…]

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Since December last year, one of our fantastic PaCC parents has been working with Dr Soluchi Amobi, the neurodisability lead at Seaside View, on reviewing the pathway for families who have children with physical neurodisability. The parent has a child with cerebral palsy and the first stage of this consultation has been getting feedback about[…]

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Lockdown #2 – how was it for our families? The PaCC steering group continue to highlight the issues you and your family face. We realise how important it is to talk to parent carers first-hand about how they are coping and learn about ongoing or new issues that families are facing so in November, PaCC[…]

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It’s been a very busy few months across the Summer and Autumn for PaCC Home to School Transport (HTST) Reps Diana & Pippa. Following the extremely turbulent experiences for students, families and schools in 2019, the September return this year ran a lot more smoothly – despite the increased challenges presented by the ongoing Pandemic.[…]

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Brighton & Hove City Council has developed a new SEND Strategy for children and young people aged 0-25. The strategy has been a positive collaboration, and a thoughtful piece of engagement work, led by Georgina Clarke-Green, Assistant Director, Health, SEN and Disability. PaCC was actively involved representing parent carers in the city, and their children[…]

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PaCC gets parent carers’ views on 2nd lockdown from coffee mornings Whilst we are writing this, we are emerging from the second national lockdown into Tier 2 restrictions in Brighton & Hove. PaCC was keen to hear from families how the second lockdown affected them and what information, help and support they wanted to be[…]

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Fiona England, Chair of Brighton and Hove Parent Carer’s Council (PaCC) Steering Group tells us what PaCC have been up to over the last few months of lockdown Lockdown, what an immense journey it has been. Over three months of mainly enforced staying at home, I have come to the conclusion that lockdown presents the[…]

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