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Vicky Baynton Williams

pacc round up October 2023 Welcome to PaCC’s October round up. We know this time of year is incredibly difficult for parent carers, with children returning to education (or having no education to return to) and the burnout some parent carers may be feeling from the lack of respite they received over the summer holidays.[…]

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Become More Involved with PaCC’s Work Would you like to become more involved with PaCC’s work as a parent carer with lived experience?   PaCC is looking for a pool of parent carers to act as ‘community expert readers/commentators’ on draft documents, such as a leaflet or a letter, that might be produced by the local[…]

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Early Years in Brighton & Hove PaCC wanted to consult with parent carers of children aged 0-5 to find out about their early years experience and identify what their families need, and what is working well. PaCC was also interested in establishing whether there is a current need for a new Early Years parent carer[…]

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Would you like your child to star in the Parent and Carers’ Council (PaCC) 2024 Calendar?  The PaCC calendar is a great way to celebrate our children, bring their lives to life and bring the SEND community together. The PaCC Calendar 2024 theme is: “What helps me” – so we would love a photo and[…]

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Introducing PaCC Steering Group member, Simeon Name: I’m Sim (Simeon), a Brighton & Hove native. Role within PaCC: I’ve recently become a part of the PaCC Steering Group as the representative for fathers. Parent Carer Experience: I am the proud father of two incredible teenage daughters, one of whom has autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. I[…]

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PaCC coffee mornings – a cuppa, a chat and find out more what’s going on in Brighton & Hove…  It was great to see so many families at our parent carers coffee morning summer family picnics! On Saturday 2 September families met in the garden of the St Helen’s Church Hall, in Hangleton, whilst on[…]

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PaCC Round Up June 2023 Welcome to PaCC’s June round up. Last week, the outcome report following Brighton & Hove’s Local Area SEND inspection by OFSTED and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) was released. We want to communicate with you here the shock we felt on reading the report, which lacks detail and omits many[…]

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PaCC Awards 2022 – a way to celebrate people and organisations who have supported SEND families in 2022 Every year, PaCC gather Brighton & Hove SEND communities to thank, celebrate and recognise some of the people and organisations who went that extra mile to be there for you, as a parent carer, and for your[…]

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The Ofsted visit: a personal reflection This personal response to the recent Ofsted visit comes from Pippa Hodge, PaCC Rep for Home to School Transport, and is a 5 minute read: Hello, I’m Pippa Hodge, and some of you will know me as I’m the PaCC Rep for Home to School Transport. I’m also the[…]

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Learning disability consultation outcomes As part of the Adult Learning Disability Strategy, Brighton & Hove City Council asked PaCC, The Carer’s Centre, and Speak Out to carry out a survey collecting information from families, individuals and carers. The aim of the survey was to investigate how activities, services and opportunities for training, voluntary work and[…]

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Introducing PaCC’s new Parent Carer Forum Support Worker Name: Stef Fallows Role within PaCC: I am the Parent Carer Forum (PCF) Support Worker for both PaCC and East Sussex Parent Carer Forum (ESPCF). My role is to support both forums with their back-office functions to enable a streamlined approach to data storage and reporting amongst[…]

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Inclusion Charter for Brighton & Hove – what does inclusion in schools look like for you and your child? For the last year, Brighton & Hove City Council have been working on the creation of a Brighton & Hove Inclusion Charter for schools. This includes a focus on children and young people who have special[…]

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Transitions Workshop On Wednesday 10 May, PaCC organised a parent carer online SEND family education workshop around transition – across the whole age range of education. The workshop focused on what we mean by transition across different ages, what does it mean for vulnerable groups and what good practice looks like.  The workshop was facilitated[…]

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Brighton & Hove local area SEND inspection March 2023 Updates from PaCC to the parent carer community about the local area SEND inspection: PaCC response to the outcome report Ofsted outcome final report  Pre-outcome letter update PaCC want to share with you information we sent to the inspectors during the inspection. The presentation contains parent[…]

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PaCC Round Up – March 2023  Welcome to PaCC’s first update of the year.  PaCC continue to represent our members, ensuring that your feedback and experiences are central to all that we do. This includes working in co-production with services, providing challenge when needed and sharing examples of good practice. The work we do is[…]

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PaCC focus group on the Dynamic Support Register. Back in December we were pleased to hold a focus group on the Dynamic Support Register (DSR) to help shape the website landing page and information leaflet being produced by NHS Sussex in the coming months.    Some of our families have children on the DSR, which is[…]

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What is a Keyworker Service?   The new Keyworker service is being developed as a response to the NHS England long term plan commitment that by 2023/24 children and young people with a learning disability and or who are autistic, who are in hospital or at significant risk of admission (psychiatric admission) have a designated Keyworker.[…]

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