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Vicky Baynton Williams

PaCC Awards Nominations are Open! As in previous years, PaCC is organising our annual awards – a way to recognise some of the great work that individuals and organisations do for SEND families in Brighton and Hove. We need to hear from you! Who was that special person who did that little bit extra for[…]

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PaCC online SEND education workshop for parent carers: Transition across the whole age range of education. PaCC is organising an online workshop (formerly known as PaCC surgery) to share local updates and good practice around transition. The workshop will be focusing on what we mean by transition across different ages, what does it mean for vulnerable[…]

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Happy 2023 to everyone! We hope this year is going to be better than the previous one … At PaCC we will listen to you and make sure that your experience, views and suggestions are taken to the different Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) meetings that our Reps attend so that your voice is[…]

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pacc round up December 2022 Welcome to PaCC’s winter update and my first as Chair of PaCC.  PaCC continue to represent our members, ensuring that your feedback and experiences are central to all that we do. This includes working in co-production with services, providing challenge when needed and sharing examples of good practice. The work[…]

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Social Care in Brighton & Hove: updates from PaCC Parent carers continue to feedback to PaCC that whilst the quality of social care in the city is good, there are concerning issues that the amount of provision across all areas of social care is inadequate and the impact on families is very high.   Families report[…]

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Neurodevelopmental Pathway: PaCC update PaCC continue to attend meetings around the neurodevelopmental pathway, both at a Brighton & Hove and a Sussex wide level. Recently, the Sussex wide meetings have been focusing on reducing the waiting times for autism and ADHD assessments and the prescribing of ADHD medication, including shared care agreements between GPs and[…]

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PaCC online surgery: How good working relationships between families and schools help to create positive outcomes for children and young people.   PaCC is organising an online surgery around inclusion in schools, specifically how co-productive working, between families and schools, creates positive outcomes for a child or young person.    Join PaCC’s online surgery on Wednesday[…]

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Helping families feel in included – our work on equality and diversity PaCC believes it is important we are representative of the diverse communities that parent-carers identify with. The PaCC Steering Group needs to be aware of key issues for parent carers across the community and be able to feed concerns back to those designing,[…]

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PaCC Calendar 2023 Would you like your child to star in the Parent and Carers’ Council (PaCC) 2023 Calendar? The PaCC calendar is a way to celebrate our children, and this year theme is “Celebrating our achievements”, that can be anything big or small, as for example catching the bus for the first time, receiving[…]

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Early Years & PaCC PaCC are making plans to host an early years parent carer participation event in the New Year. This coincides with the early years work PaCC are involved with in Brighton & Hove. At the beginning of next year, PaCC will be attending our first meeting that will be implementing an early[…]

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Name: Ren Barrowman Parent Carer experience: I am mum to 18-year-old twin daughters. My eldest daughter (by nine minutes!) has quadriplegic cerebral palsy which means she is a full-time wheelchair user and she finally received an ASC diagnosis in 2021. My younger daughter is profoundly deaf in one ear. Both girls have always been in[…]

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pacc round up september 2022 The long hot summer is already starting to feel a distant memory, and autumn clouds are already upon us, both literally and figuratively. We have heard lots of feedback about lack of respite over the summer, difficulties for children transitioning back to school, as well as the impact of high[…]

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Home To School Transport – Update on how things are progressing  I am Pippa Hodge, one of the PaCC Reps. My focus is working alongside the local authority around Home To School Transport (HTST). I have regular meetings with the HTST where we review how the service is performing, and how to keep the service[…]

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SEN Statutory Service Update We have raised some of the issues that families have experienced with the Head of the SEN Statutory Service. We are pleased to let parents know that the SEN Statutory Service has increased its capacity by appointing two new SEN casework officers and a SEN casework assistant.  This will enable the[…]

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Coffee mornings, a way to connect  For the past ten years, our coffee mornings have been a place where parent carers living in Brighton & Hove have been able to meet other parents for a cuppa and a chat. Much more than that, they can help people feel less isolated, exchange experiences and ideas about[…]

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